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Securing the Season: Tips to Safeguard Your Holiday Gift

By November 30, 2023February 15th, 2024No Comments

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and unfortunately, an uptick in theft and burglary. As you prepare to enjoy the festivities, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to protect your home and belongings. Here are six essential tips that could prevent theft and ensure a secure holiday season.

1. Lock It Up

One of the simplest yet most effective measures is to ensure all entry points to your home are securely locked. Install deadbolt locks on doors, reinforce windows, and secure sliding doors. Make it a habit to double-check that your car is locked, providing an added layer of protection for your belongings.

2. Track Your Orders

With the rise of online shopping, package theft is a growing concern. Stay one step ahead by tracking your orders. Keep a close eye on delivery notifications, know when packages are expected, and arrange for a trusted neighbor to collect deliveries if you’re away. Consider installing a secure drop box or using designated package lockers.

3. Keep Things Hidden

Don’t make your home an attractive target for burglars. Close curtains or blinds to prevent outsiders from seeing inside. Keep valuable items, including gifts, out of sight and store them in secure locations. A little effort to conceal your belongings can go a long way in deterring potential thieves.

4. Lights On, Thieves Gone

Well-lit homes are less likely to be targeted by burglars. Leave some lights on, both indoors and outdoors, especially if you’re away. Consider investing in timer switches to create the illusion of an occupied home. Motion-activated sensor lights can be an excellent deterrent, illuminating potential hiding spots around your property.

5. Extra Security Measures

Consider bolstering your home’s security with additional measures. Install a home security system with visible signage to deter intruders. These systems often include alarms and monitoring services, providing an extra layer of protection. Invest in smart home security options that allow you to monitor your property remotely.

6. Keep After-Christmas Trash Hidden

After the holiday celebrations are done, it’s important to be vigilant when disposing of packaging from expensive gifts like televisions or gaming consoles. You should break down the boxes, hide them in opaque garbage bags, or consider taking them directly to a recycling center. This will ensure that your recent purchases are kept private and reduce the risk of attracting unwanted attention to your home. Taking a few moments to properly handle post-Christmas trash can go a long way in maintaining a secure and peaceful holiday season. By implementing these straightforward yet effective tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of theft and burglary during the holidays. Stay vigilant, prioritize home security, and enjoy a safe and happy festive season!

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial, tax, or legal advice. Consult with a qualified professional for personalized guidance regarding your specific circumstances.